• Assistant Prof.
Research and Professional Experience
2000–2001Special Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN
2001–2003Research Scientist, Plant Science Center, RIKEN
2003–2005Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN
2005–2008Assistant Professor, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
2008–Project Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Research Interests
  • Cell Biology
  • Plant Molecular Biology
Research Subjects

In Vivo Imaging of Intracellular Protein Trafficking and Signal Transduction Pathway

  • Visualization and Quantitative Analysis of G Protein-Coupled Receptor β-Arrestin Interaction in Single Cells and Specific Organs of Living Mice Using Split Luciferase Complementation.
    H. Takakura, M. Hattori, M. Takeuchi and T. Ozawa
    ACS Chem. Biol.,7, 901-910 (2012).
  • Ratiometric Bioluminescence Indicators for Monitoring Cyclic AMP in Live Cells Based on Luciferase-Fragment Complementation.
    Takeuchi M., Nagaoka Y., Yamada T., Takakura H. and Ozawa T.
    Anal. Chem., 82, 9306-9313 (2010).
  • High-sensitivity real-time imaging of dual protein-protein interactions in living subjects using multicolor luciferases.
    Hida N, Awais M, Takeuchi M, Ueno N, Tashiro M, Takagi C, Singh T, Hayashi M, Ohmiya Y, Ozawa T,
    PLoS One, 4, e5868 (2009).
  • Methods for Imaging and Analyses of Intracellular Organelles Using Fluorescent and Luminescent Proteins,
    M. Takeuchi, T. Ozawa,
    Anal. Sci., 2007, 23, 25.
  • VPS9a, the Common Activator for Two Distinct Types of Rab5 GTPases, is Essential for Development of Arabidopsis thaliana,
    T. Goh, W. Uchida, S. Arakawa, E. Ito, T. Dainobu, K. Ebine, M. Takeuchi,K. Sato, T. Ueda, A. Nakano,
    Plant Cell, 2007, 19, 3504.
  • Live Imaging of Yeast Golgi Cisternal Maturation,
    K. Matsuura-Tokita, M. Takeuchi, A. Ichihara, K. Mikuriya, A. Nakano,
    , 2006, 441, 1007.
  • Protein Aggregates are Transported to Vacuoles by Macroautophagic Mechanism in Nutrient-Starved Plant Cells,
    K. Toyooka, Y. Moriyasu, Y. Goto, M. Takeuchi, H. Fukuda, K. Matsuoka,
    , 2006, 2, 96.
  • Frontiers in Bioimaging,
    M. Takeuchi, T. Ozawa,
    ACS Chem. Biol., 2006, 1, 333.
  • Arf1 GTPase Plays Roles in the Protein Traffic between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Apparatus in Tobacco and Arabidopsis Cultured Cells,
    M. Takeuchi, T. Ueda, N. Yahara, A. Nakano,
    Plant J
    ., 2002, 31, 499.
  • A Dominant Negative Mutant of Sar1 GTPase Inhibits Protein Transport from the Endoplasmic Reticulum to the Golgi Apparatus in A Tobacco and Arabidopsis Cultured Cells, M. Takeuchi, T. Ueda, K. Sato, H. Abe, T. Nagata, A. Nakano, Plant J., 2000, 23, 517.
  • Isolation of a Tobacco cDNA Encoding Sar1 GTPase and Analysis of Its Dominant Mutations in Vesicular Traffic Using a Yeast Complementation System,
    M. Takeuchi, M. Tada, C. Saito, H. Yashiroda, A. Nakano A,
    Plant Cell Physiol
    ., 1998, 39, 590.
  • 竹内雅宜, 時田公美, 中野明彦, 「出芽酵母ゴルジ体における槽成熟過程のイメージング解析」蛋白質核酸酵素, 52, 151–156 (2007).
  • 竹内雅宜, 中野明彦, 「植物細胞工学シリーズ 改訂3版 モデル植物の実験プロトコール 第6章–5共焦点顕微鏡による観察法」秀潤社, 221–225 (2005).
  • 竹内雅宜, 上田貴志, 中野明彦, 「実験医学別冊 ポストゲノム時代の実験講座3 GFPとバイオイメージング–蛍光タンパク質の発現と検出の基本から生体機能の可視化まで 第3章GFPの生物種別の適用例–(2)植物培養細胞」羊土社, 65–68 (2000).